Thursday 13 June 2013

Stormbound in Teignmouth

The high winds have persisted overnight (a very bumpy night indeed). We have a second day in Teignmouth, so after a very nice breakfast of poached eggs courtesy of Bob, we rowed ashore to do some shopping ahead of a trip to the pub in Sheldon.

Liquid Asset dominates the water front!

Sheldon is just a ferry ride away from Teignmouth (£1.50, dogs free) and rather more upmarket. A bowls green seemed to be the focal point with the pub just opposite; what a good arrangement.
The Ness, Sheldon

We had lunch in the Ness; crab sandwiches and Badger Ale. Very nicely done. Found the ferry home and spent the remainder of the afternoon enjoying the sunny (but still windy) weather, revising for the exam!


  1. Free dogs?!

    That pub looks pretty nice though... very envious of the crab sandwiches and Badger ale. I hope the weather improves for you all.

  2. Sounds like fun. Can we assume that with bumpy nights Duncan has had litle sleep :-( Good luck with studies and hope you find a better way to open cans!

    1. Thanks Iain. Absolutely right. Haven't slept a wink.
